Sesame Software
Sesame Software

The latest NetSuite outage last month affected NetSuite users across multiple locations. NetSuite is a popular cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software used by many businesses for their financial and operational management. The outage caused widespread disruption, preventing businesses from accessing critical data and applications, such as financial reports, customer information, and inventory management systems.

The impact of the outage was felt by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. In some cases, businesses were forced to halt operations entirely, leading to lost revenue and productivity. The outage also caused significant frustration for users who rely on NetSuite’s services for their day-to-day operations. Customers took to social media to express their dissatisfaction, highlighting the importance of backup plans and redundancy measures.

The NetSuite outage serves as a reminder of the importance of having a backup plan in place for critical business systems. Companies that rely on cloud-based software should have redundancy measures in place to ensure that they can continue operations in the event of an outage. This can include having backup servers, data centers, or even alternate software solutions that can be used as a temporary backup until the issue is resolved.

Sesame Software can serve as a reliable backup plan in case of a NetSuite outage. If your business heavily relies on NetSuite for its daily operations, any downtime or disruption can have severe consequences. With Sesame Software, you can easily backup your NetSuite data to a secure location, ensuring that your data remains accessible even during a NetSuite outage. This not only helps mitigate any potential losses but also ensures that your business can continue to function without any major disruptions. Overall, Sesame Software provides a reliable and secure backup solution that can help protect your business during a NetSuite outage.

How to prepare for, and respond to, similar situations:

  1. Develop Backups and Workarounds – Companies should create backups and have alternate solutions in place for when the NetSuite system is unavailable. For instance, an additional vendor such as Sesame Software to provide a copy of their data. 
  2. Create Emergency Contacts – Companies should have pre-defined contact lists of key personnel responsible for responding to such outages, who are available and notified during times of crisis.
  3. Communication Channels – Companies should have pre-defined and tested communication channels that can be used to notify stakeholders of outages and updates.

By having the right processes and preparations in place, companies can minimize the impact of a NetSuite outage and maintain business continuity.

In short, the NetSuite outage serves as a reminder of the importance of backup plans and redundancy measures. Businesses should take steps to protect themselves by implementing business continuity planning, as well as exploring alternative software solutions that can be used as a backup in the event of an outage. By doing so, businesses can minimize the impact of unexpected events and ensure that they can continue to operate regardless of the challenges they may face.