Relational Junction allowed for Cisco’s efficient and effective work to scale their data replication, and even testing and deployment.


Cisco, a leading US-based technology company, specializes in networking products, telecom equipment, and various IT services. Headquartered in California, the company is renowned for its high-quality hardware and solutions.




San Jose, CA

Use Case:

Data replication and handling large volumes of data

Data Sources:



Cisco was facing significant challenges with the Salesforce DB Replicator tool, which was being used for essential reporting purposes. The tool did not support the current API and had been discontinued since January 2006. Moreover, the DB Replicator was unable to handle tables with millions of rows, leading to timeouts during initial data loads. To address these issues, Cisco’s internal development and integration teams required multiple sandboxes with monthly refreshes, which were necessary for their testing and deployment processes.


Cisco discovered Relational Junction as a solution to their Salesforce data replication needs. The tool was used to replicate data to an Oracle database for reporting and various integration projects. In addition, Relational Junction was utilized to build a second org for the integration team. Sesame Software developed new features within the product, including an org clone process that could copy 10 GB of data in just two days. These improvements allowed Cisco to easily and quickly create multiple sandboxes with up-to-date data for their testing and deployment processes.
Company Videos


  • Successfully leveraged Relational Junction to achieve a consistent and up-to-date view of Salesforce data for reporting.
  • Enabled integration developers to have their own Salesforce site, while also providing a stable, supported, scalable solution.
  • Allowed Cisco to efficiently execute tasks, resulting in improved processed and streamlined operations.

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