Sesame Software
Sesame Software

Cal/Amp Success Story


“The Sesame team was able to help us install and configure this application in less than an hour.”

Previously Siloed Platforms

Use Case

California-based provider of Internet of things software applications, cloud services, data intelligence and telematics products, and services sought out solution to integrate and migrate their CRM and ERP data into their SQL Server for robust reporting and analytics.

The Challenge

The Cal/Amp team had tried other data integration solutions and they were hitting a wall- they were frustrated with the lack of ease of use and the lengthy and involved set-up process. They needed an immediate solution to pull their Salesforce and Fusion ERP data into their SQL Server on Oracle Cloud, so that they could then employ Microsoft’s Power BI data visualization tool for critical reporting and analytics.

The Solution

With Sesame Software, the Cal/Amp team was up and running within one hour.

Data Warehouse

Sesame Software enabled Cal/Amp to link all of their data integrations to one trusted source. Sesame Software creates and continuously synchronizes an instant data warehouse that perfectly mirrors Cal/Amp’s Cloud applications, as well as database-to-database incremental copy.

Data Integration

Sesame Software moves and manages large amounts of data with a simplified, easy-to-use process that accelerates time to value. Using Sesame Software’s powerful SQL interface, Cal/Amp is able to seamlessly integrate their disparate data into their SQL server on Oracle Cloud.


The Results

Cal/Amp was able to install Sesame Software quickly, build their data warehouse instantly, and replicate their Salesforce and Fusion ERP data for integration with SQL Server on Oracle Cloud.


We would like to express our sincere appreciation for Sesame Software’s solution… Until now, we have been struggling to replicate Oracle Fusion ERP data into our data warehouse server.


Challenges sound famliar?

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