Sesame Software
Sesame Software


Maximize your investment in Microsoft solutions by integrating them with your existing systems — on-premises or in the cloud.

Coworkers working on Microsoft charts

Maximize the Power of Microsoft Solutions

Integrating with Microsoft solutions has never been easier or faster. Sesame Software eliminates data silos and helps to support an efficient business ecosystem. With many connectors available, Sesame Software takes the power of Microsoft to the next level, creating connectivity to other applications, systems, and data types.

Connect Microsoft to CRM, ERP, SaaS solutions and more.

Keeping You Connected

Accelerate development with rapid connectivity to Microsoft solutions!

Complete Solution for Microsoft

Sesame Software makes your data easy to consume and put to use. Integrate your data for reporting and analytics so you can make faster, better-informed decisions.

Data Warehouse

Easily connect all of your data to Azure or the data warehouse of your choice 

Data Integration

Full data integration, replication, and ETL capabilities for seamless data movement

Cloud Migration

Securely move workloads to the cloud with flexible migration that scales as your data grows 

A laptop with the image of a moving truck on the screen with clouds and packing boxes

Data Movement Simplified

 Automate key business processes at scale by enabling anyone across your business to integrate applications, whether they’re IT or business users. Sesame Software easily connects applications with no data mapping, coding, or maintenance required.

"In the Return on Investment (ROI) world in which we operate, Relational Junction pays for itself.”

– Grove City College

"Relational Junction is a key factor in our success as a Salesforce customer. I do not recommend too many products, but I have no problem recommending this one.”

– Drexel University

"Having Relational Junction is a must if you have Salesforce."

– Overby-Seawell

"Great value to our business, huge savings in development costs.”

– Ebrary

"What we love about Relational Junction: Easy to install; Easy to use; Bi-directional data transfer; Dynamic schema updates; Ability to synchronize in near real-time if required; Reliable; Great support.”


"Pros: Reliable, Simple, Implementation Ease of Use, Reasonable Cost, Excellent Support Cons: None If you are looking for a tool to integrate with, Relational Junction is an excellent option.”

– Adesa

Featured Data Connectors

High-volume data connectivity to hundreds of cloud and on-premises systems. Including enterprise and middleware applications, data stores (e.g., databases, warehouses, big data stores), and analytics/BI tools.

Featured Resources

Check out our latest news and updates below! Start your journey to the cloud today.

Take Full Control of Your Salesforce Backup and Recovery

Take Full Control of Your Salesforce Backup and Recovery

Sesame Software's latest update speeds up your time to insights with replication, integration, and compliant backups for your Salesforce Cloud data. Salesforce champions, rejoice! Sesame Software just released a game-changing update designed to...

Maximizing NetSuite with Sesame Software’s Solutions

Maximizing NetSuite with Sesame Software’s Solutions

For technical NetSuite users, ensuring optimal performance is an ongoing battle. Data management bottlenecks can quickly become a drag on efficiency, hindering reporting, scalability, and overall user experience. This blog post dives into how...

Can You Rely on Salesforce to Backup and Recover Your Data?

Can You Rely on Salesforce to Backup and Recover Your Data?

What is Salesforce Backup and Restore? Salesforce Backup and Restore, earlier known as Data Recovery Service, is a paid service to help customers recover their lost data and can be useful for customers who don’t have an alternative backup strategy....

Start Using Sesame Software Today!

Consolidate data silos and centralize data into your Azure data warehouse
Spend more time on insights and less time on managing your data pipeline
Scale your ecosystem and connect to multiple data sources and destinations

Start Your Free Trial!