Sesame Software
Sesame Software

Consulting Services

Sesame Software offers custom data consulting services, crafting unique solutions tailored to your specific needs, goals, and existing infrastructure. With over 20 years of experience and a portfolio of patented technologies, we’re the ideal partner to unlock the full potential of your data.
Coworkers centered around a computer analyzing data.

Unleash Your Data’s Potential

Struggling to find the right solution for your fragmented data and unrealized potential? Sesame Software’s custom data consulting is here to bridge the gap. We leverage our team’s decades of experience and our patented technologies to design unique tools tailored to your specific needs. Pricing starting at $250 per hour, we’ll build a custom solution that perfectly fits your unique requirements, ensuring you get the most out of your valuable information.

Custom Connections

Export Projects

Migration Strategy

Consulting Services Request Form

Below you can request a call with a data expert about your project.

Integrate with Leading Cloud Data Warehouses

Seamlessly integrate with major cloud data warehouse providers such as Oracle ADW, Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery. This allows you to migrate source data easily.

Trusted by the Best in the Business


Bank of America
“Once you have Relational Junction set up, it just works without having to do much more than the equivalent of regular oil changes.”

– Buzztime

“The process has been very easy to understand and we feel confident that the low maintenance of this service will save us time, money, and resources.”


Stop operating in silos.

Are you ready to gain control of the full potential of your data and achieve consistency across your orgnaization?
Meet with us today to get your data moving in minutes and transform your data management strategy.